4 Areas in which construction Sector has been impacted by Modern Technology

4 Areas in which construction Sector has been impacted by Modern Technology
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The construction industry has been historically slow in adapting to change. However, the past few decades have seen that construction companies are slowly evolving and incorporating new technology to meet the changing demands of the 21st century. Modern solutions like BIM methodology, Point Cloud to BIM Services, 3D printing, prefabrication, etc. have enabled construction companies to design, renovate, manage and construct buildings faster and better. Moreover, along with increased efficiency, it also reduces waste and allows to the creation of more sustainable buildings.


In the current article we will be looking at the four areas in which the construction industry has been significantly impacted by modern technology:


1. Planning and Design:


From manual drafting to record keeping of abundant construction documentation, the manual drafting method reduces speed, and quality and can lead to a waste of time and resources. Owing to this digitization in the planning phase has been a huge boon. Firstly, the implementation of CAD allowed for construction documentation to be created, shared, and saved easily. It also increased the speed and accuracy of drafting with various tools like automated calculation and enhanced visualization. After CAD came BIM, which has today taken over the construction sector. The 3D modeling process has provided construction professionals with all the tools to work collaboratively, detect clashes, add the required information, etc. The adoption of BIM is on the rise and it is today being mandated by many countries across the globe.


2. On-site Construction:


Following the planning stage, BIM also allows streamlining of the onsite construction process. With 4D BIM it is possible to add scheduling-related information into the 3D model which allows to optimization of the entire supply chain and logistics as well as ensures optimal resource allocation. 5D BIM on the other hand can be used for costing and quantity take-offs. Apart from BIM, newer construction technology has also become prevalent in other areas during onsite construction e.g. drones are being used for surveillance, robots for repeated tasks, etc. Technology has provided the construction industry with better cranes, concrete mixers, earthing machines, etc. which has drastically improved the speed, quality, and safety of the workers. Finally, there are new methods of construction like 3D Printing, modular construction, etc. which have enabled architects and engineers to design in climate-controlled environments as well as experiment with new materials and designs which would not be possible in a more traditional setting.


3. Renovation and Facility Management:


Modern technology like Scan to BIM and Facility Management is essential during the maintenance and renovation of buildings. Point Cloud to BIM can be used to 3D laser scan a building or a site and create BIM models which accurately reflect the as-is condition of the building. Knowing the current state of the building and providing accurate data promotes informed decision-making. It allows knowing what areas need to be preserved while BIM benefits like clash detection, enhanced collaboration, etc. can make the consequent construction smooth.


Scan to BIM can also be used for creating As-Built BIM models which are useful for storage or Facility management. These data-rich BIM models provide all the information which would be needed for regular updates, scheduling, and maintenance, to quickly gauge the awareness of asset location during repairs, etc.


4. Presentations:


Another key area in which technology has been a Godsent has been for better presentations. 2D construction drawings are technical and may be difficult for a layman to understand. Miscommunication in understanding may lead to the rejection of tenders, grants or expensive reworks. However, first with 3D Rendering Services and today with virtual reality and augmented reality environments it is possible for architects and designers to convey their ideas more appropriately to the clients, stakeholders, etc. They take presentations and marketing campaigns to the next level and ensure that the client knows exactly how the final design will look.




Thus, modern technology has impacted all areas of the construction sector from planning to onsite construction to client interactions and even facility management. Modern Technology has like never before improved the way the construction sector operates.

  • Bhagwati Pathak

    Bhagwati Pathak is an Executive Director at Tesla Outsourcing Services. Technical Project Management, BIM, Client Management, and Leadership are her forte. With an expertise in BIM and a flair for writing, her articles provide a direction to contractors, sub-contractors, engineers, and architects in employing the right methodology for an Architectural, Structural, or MEP CAD / BIM project.

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4 Areas in which construction Sector has been impacted by Modern Technology
Written By:
Bhagwati Pathak
Bhagwati Pathak is an Executive Director at Tesla Outsourcing Services. Technical Project Management, BIM, Client Management, and Leadership are her forte. With an expertise in BIM and a flair for writing, her articles provide a direction to contractors, sub-contractors, engineers, and architects in employing the right methodology for an Architectural, Structural, or MEP CAD / BIM project.